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miniDraw’s site

Visit miniDraw’s site for gallery updates (graphics created by miniDraw’s customers),  for the newest questions on our discussion’s chamber about graphic design on iPhone & iPad, new tools & features.

Please contact my Discussion chamber for any questions you might have on miniDraw app>>

How to use miniDraw – vector graphics app for iPhone & iPad

This is the first video tutorial of miniDraw app, which will show you how easily you can express your creativity using vector graphics.

Since then, miniDraw app has come a long way, improving its graphics features on a monthly basis.

Watch how you can draw a cartoon caracther in just a few minutes using miniDraw app for iPhone.

If you have more questions regarding miniDraw’s tools or you’re just curious about what it has to offer, ask me on miniDraw’s Discussion’s Page.

AppStore Customer Review’s of miniDraw for iPhone

Here are some of the customer reviews of miniDraw – vector graphics app – on the AppStore / iTunes

1. “Three huge things I love about this app! 1. Has a real pen tool that produces curves with editable points, and you can zoom in and do detail editing too. 2. I can import a photo from my saved photos, it is placed as a background image, this is big as I sketch with regular pencils and trace them in illustrator and now in this! 3. Email as SVG, and it works like a charm! I tested it out, emailed myself, downloaded my illustration and opened it with illustrator! I am a professional illustrator and am happy to have this in my toolbox 🙂
by (5/5)”

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miniDraw’s – short history

miniDraw was born at the end of  February 2010 – that is when it first hit the AppStore.

miniDraw began as a light weight mobile graphics application for the iPhone.

miniDraw’s development took almost 4 months

The goal of this drawing application was to bring something all other graphic applications on the iPhone or iPad where missing, precision.

Since it uses vector graphics, each line can be fine-tuned over and over again; colors can be changed whenever needed without worrying about the integrity of your creative graphic design.

With miniDraw, you can use your sketches or other images as reference for your mini draw scenes.

Thanks to vector graphics software, all the strokes you draw will be steady and clean, allowing you to fine-tune them to your needs.